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The Pain May Be Real but the Scan Is Deceiving
Mrs Savithri s low back bothered her for years but when it started clicking and hurting when she bent and...
Knowledge Section Cover Story- Express Healthcare
Questionnaire 1 What are the various reasons for spine fractures Is Kyphoplasty useful for all types of spine fractures When...
Spinal Surgeries are very safe and successful now
Middle East Health speaks to Dr Vidyadhara S HOD Senior Consultant Spine Surgeon Manipal Spine Care Centre at Manipal Hospitals...
Neck and Low Back Pain
What is pain Pain is a protective reflex in response to an underlying injury damage It is only a symptom...
Kyphoplasty: Frequently Asked Questions
1 What are the various reasons for spine fractures Is Kyphoplasty useful for all types of spine fractures When an...
Blood Cancer: Types, Causes and Treatment
What are blood cancers Blood cancers are the cancers arising from blood cells they affect the production and function of...
Self Proning: A Guide To Increase Oxygen Level At Home
Introduction In the year 1976 Dr Robert Brown and nurse Margaret Piehl had co authored a paper In the paper...
Patent Ductus Arteriosus Device Closure
What is Patent Ductus Arteriosus or PDA The ductus arteriosus DA is a fetal vascular connection between the main pulmonary...
Epilepsy & Seizures: Definition, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Prevention
What is Epilepsy Are Seizures and Epilepsy the same Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures Seizures...
Meningitis in India: Epidemiology and Approach to Management
Meningitis refers to inflammation of the membranous covering of the brain called meninges There are acute and chronic forms of...