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A fistulotomy is a successful surgical procedure for the elimination of anal fistulas, while a haemorrhoidectomy is the preferred procedure for the removal of widespread or severe internal or external haemorrhoids. The most successful method of treating haemorrhoids is surgical haemorrhoidectomy.
Choosing Manipal Hospitals
At Manipal Hospital, each condition receives the same attention. Because of this, our professionals are very skilled and knowledgeable in the surgical treatment of uncomfortable haemorrhoids and fistulas. Visit today for anal incontinence treatment in India.
Solutions for Complex and Fistulas and Haemorrhoids
Surgery is the greatest option for treating anal fissures and haemorrhoids because both conditions are uncomfortable. A fistulotomy is the most popular procedure for anal fistulas. To do this, the fistula must be sliced open throughout its whole length so that it can heal as a flat scar. Surgery called a hemorrhoidectomy is used to remove severe or widespread internal or external haemorrhoids. There are numerous different types of hemorrhoid surgery, including Rubberband Ligation, Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy, Closed, Stapled, and Open Haemorrhoidectomy.
Complexities of Complex and Fistulas and Haemorrhoids
Anal fistula surgery carries a small risk of infection leading to an anal abscess and injury to the sphincter muscles, which can impair bowel control and result in faecal incontinence. The most frequent adverse effects of hemorrhoidectomy include pain, bleeding, and urine retention (inability to urinate).
Number of Cases
With the completion of the fistulotomy and hemorrhoidectomy procedures, we reached a milestone of 8 lakh.
Infection Control Protocol
We are aware of how patients feel following a fistulotomy or a haemorrhoidectomy because infections are common in surgical procedures. There is constant worry about getting sick. Our infection control procedures guarantee that patients may say good-bye to infections following surgery.