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NICU follow Up clinic

When a baby is born with medical problems and is kept in the Neonatal Intensive Care(NICU Follow Up Clinic) Unit under the close supervision of our skilled neonatologists, it receives all the tender care it needs to preserve its life. For those particular infants, such as preemies (premature) with birth weights under 1500 grammes who require emergency care, or those who were put on oxygen, a pulse oximeter, or an apnea monitor, or who were born with a congenital condition, had a stroke, or experienced meningitis, etc. There is a thorough follow-up process in place to check for any difficulties or abnormalities that might develop in them as they get older. Our interdisciplinary team, which consists of neonatologists, developmental paediatricians, and child psychologists, continuously reviews the observations in order to study and discuss the potential therapies and treatments that the young children may need as they develop. So reach out to the best Pediatric ICU In India.