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Living Donor Liver Transplant

Living Donor Liver Transplant in India


A portion of a healthy donor's liver is removed during this treatment and placed in the patient who is in need of a liver. Since family members have the best probability of matching, they undergo these procedures the most frequently. The donor will need around a week in the hospital and 8 weeks to heal before they may resume their normal activities. 

A liver transplant is typically mentioned when the liver, the largest internal organ, stops carrying out those activities due to chronic liver disease or unexpected failure of a previously healthy liver. The liver is the largest internal organ and carries out various crucial functions. Visit our Liver Hospital in India for the best treatments.

However, there are more people in need of a liver transplant than there are donor livers available. Family members or friends are therefore welcome at Manipal Hospitals because they might be a good match and donate some of their liver. The greatest choice, as opposed to waiting for a deceased donor liver to become available, is a living donor liver transplant, because the human liver heals more quickly and grows back to its normal size quickly after surgery.