Fellow of IAN 2007 by Indian Academy of Neurology.
Appointed adviser to Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi and Government of India.
Fellow of Indian College Of Physics (FICP) 2008.
Paul Harris Fellow (Rotary International) 2010.
Field of Expertise
Neuro Sciences,
Movement Disorders,
Demyelinating Disease
Awards & Achievements
Health professional of the year (2005 to 2007) by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.
Languages Spoken
Talks & Publications
R.K. Gangoo, A.K. Roy : Torsion Dystonia - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 40, January 1984, 51-52.
A.K. Roy, R.K. Gangoo, K.P Hegde :Acute intermittent porphyria - A report of four cases, M J A F I, Vol. 40, April 1985, 133-137
R.K. Gangoo, A.K. Roy : Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis following vaccination against rabies - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 41, July 1985, 209-210.
R.K. Ganjoo, V.M. Alurkar, A.K. Roy, J. Vasudevan : Chyluria - Report of four cases, M J A F I, Vol. 43, January 1987, 42-43.
R.K. Gangoo, V.M. Alurkar, A.K. Roy, Surjit Singh - Peripartum cardio- myopathy - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 44, January 1988, 67-68.
A.K Roy, Madhuri Behari, G.K. Ahuja: Acute Ployneuritis following Herpes Zoster - A case report - Neurology India, Vol. 35, 169-171.
A.K. Roy, R.M. Dhamija, P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman: Value of computed tomography in prognostication of ischaemic stroke, JAPI Vol. 36, No. 9, 1988, 537-538.
A.K. Roy, Venkataraman, R.M. Dhamija: Neurological complications of thermal stress - Progress in Clinical Neurosciences, 1989, 339-351.
A.K. Roy, R.M. Dhamija, Ved Prakash P.C, Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman: The dilemma of Abnormal CT scan in Epilepsy - An Experience of 56 cases in Armed Forces, Indian Aerospace Med. Vol. 34(i), June1990, 26-30.
R.M. Dhamija, A.K. Roy, P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman, A.K Bhargava: Clinical Spectrum of Myasthenia Gravis and problems in management, JAPI, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, 187.
P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venktraman , R.M. Dhamija, A.K. Roy : Epilepsy as a manifestation of Neurocysticercosis : JAPI, 39, No. 4, 1991, 325-327.
K.C. Koley, A.K. Roy, (Mrs) G. Singh : Neuromyotonia - J Indian Med Association Vol. 90, No. 5, May 1992 : 131-132.
A.K. Roy: Status Epilepticus - Management, Medicine Update 1993:138-143.
A.K. Roy: Recent concepts in management of cerebrovascular accidents : Medicine Update 1993
A.K. Roy, Balwinder Singh, M.M. Singh, S.S. Saini, R.K. Suri: Circulating Prolactin and Cortisol levels in diagnosis of Pseudo Seizures, Indian J. Aerospace Med, Vol. 37, No. 2, December 1993:6-8.
Dilemma of Seizures / Pseudoseizures Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 41 (1) 1997: 56-58.
Episodic Neurological Dysfunction and flying, Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine A.K. Roy, Vol. 41 (1) 1997:58-73.
Heat stroke is a reality be prepared. A.K. Roy, A. Krishnamurthy, Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine Vol. 41 No. 1:74-78.
Reflex Epilepsy, A.K. Roy and Suma Nagesh, Progress in Clinical Neurosciences 1997: 77-87.
Trial of Riluzole in Amyotrophic Lateral Scerosis : A case report A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C, Swapna Alexander.Neurosciences Today, Vol. 11 No. 4 Oct - Dec. 1998 : 177
Acquired Neuromyotonia: A report of six cases - A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C. Venkataraman S.Neurosciences Today, Vol. 11 No. 4 Oct - Dec. 1998: 177.
Epilepsy: Experience in a tertiary care centre A.K. Roy, Tripathi Manjari, Sanjiv C.C.Neurology India, December 1998
An usual presentation of Mitochondrial Cytopathy - A.K. Roy - Neurosciences Today, April - June 1999, Vol. III No. 2 :119.
A.K. Roy, Sharat Damodar, Leslie Pinheiro: Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Neurology India 1999 December 45-47.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy: Continuous muscle fibre activity, Neurology India 1999 December, 47:91.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy, Under diagnosed risk factors for stroke - Neurosciences Today.
Sharat Damodar, A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro, S. Shankar. Vasculitis - An unusual presentation. J. Assoc. Phys. India 2000: 48(1): 104.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy. Trigeminal Neuropathy in Sjogren's syndrome - Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy: Continuous muscle fibre activity, Neurology India 1999 December, 47:91.
A.K.Roy &Suma Nagesh:Reflex Epilepsy progress in clinical Neurosceiences.1997:77-87
A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro. Photosensitive Epilepsy - Review article in Reviews in Neurology - for the Neurology CME in September 2000 at Madurai.
Manjari Tripathi, Sanjeev CC, A.K. Roy. Thalmic haematoma manifesting as chorea - a case report. Neurosciences Today 1999 3: 216-217.
Reflex Epilepsy progress in Clinical Neurosciences. 1997:77-87, Dr. A.K. Roy & Dr. Suma Nagesh.
Intermittent photic stimulation. Photosensitivity with emphasis on Aeromedical aspects. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. T. Manjari, C.C.S. Sanjeev, Dr. P. Reji. Epilepsia volume 40 supplement 2 1999 page 278.
A.K. Roy, An unusual presentation of mitochondrial cytopathy. Neurosciences today. 1992; 2:119.
Trial of Riluzole in Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis: A care report Neurosciences Today, Vol. II No. 4, Oct-Dec. 1998, Pg 177. Dr. A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C., Venkataraman.
Acquired Neuromyotonia- A report of six cases - Neurosciences today, Vol. II No. 4 Oct-Dec. 1998, Pg. 167, Dr. A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C., Venkataraman.
Epilepsy Experience in a Tertiary Care Centre - Neurology India, Dec. 1998, Dr. A.K. Roy, Tripathi Manjari, Sanjiv C.C.
Dilemma of Seizures/Pseudoseizures Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 41 (1) 1997. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. A. Krishnamurthy.
Episodic Neurologic Dysfunction and Flying. Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine. Vol. 41(1) 1997 Pg 58. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. A.Krishnamurthy.
Clinical Trial of Ginko Biloba in cerebral ischaemia Journal of Association of Physician of India Vol. 44, 947 December 1996.
A Mahadevan, V. Santosh, N. Gayathri, E. Ratnavalli. R. Nanda Gopal, A Vasanth, A.K. Roy and S.K. Shankar "Infantile Neuroaxonal dystrophy and Giant Axonal neuropathy-overlap disease of neural cytoskeletal elements in childhood. Clinical Neuropathology Vol. 19 No. 5/2000:221-229
22-24 September 2000: A study of epilepsy - related psychosis A.K. Roy, Ajit Kumar, G.R.K. Sarma, Leslie Pinheiro. At 8th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Neurology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro. Photosensitivity Epilepsy. In Reviews in Neurology 2000. CME Programme of Indian Academy of Neurology: 157-166.
A.K. Roy, “Prevalence of Photosensitivity – An Indian experience”, Neurology
India, June 2003, Vol.51, (2):pp.241 – 243.
Dr. A.K. Roy, “Relevance of Computerized Electroencephalographic Topography (Brain Mapping) in ischaemic Strokes” – Neurology India, June 2003, Vol. 51, (2): pp 235 -236.
Dr. A.K. Roy, S.V. Rajesh, I. Neerakal, J.M. Jose, G.R.K. Sarma, “A study of Epilepsy – related Psychosis. Neurology India, September 2003. Vol.51, Issue 3, PP 359-360.
Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy Plus – Report of Family, JM Joe, A.K. Roy, G.R.K. Sarma, V.Kamath, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. JAPI, Year : April 2005, Volume:53, Page : 388 – 399
Routine Oral Nutritional Supplementation for Stroke Patients in Hospital (FOOD): a Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trail, JM Jose, A.K. Roy , G.R.K. Sarma, V. Kamath, U. Devaraj, T. Manjari, L. Pinheiro, Anandan, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. Lancet Volume 365, February 26, 2005, Pages – 755 – 763.
Effect of Timing and Method of Enteral Tube Feeding for Dysphagic stroke Patients (FOOD): A Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trail, JM Joe, A.K. Roy, G.R.K. Sarma, V.Kamath, U.Devraj, T.Manjari, L.Pinheiro, Ananadan St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. Lancet Volume 365, February 26, 2005, Pages – 764-772.
Culture & Holistic Healthcare Unites as Manipal Hospitals Celebrate the 1st Saarbojanin Sharodiya Durgotsab | Dr. Ajit Kumar Roy | Dr. Somnath Mitra. Click Here.
Fellowship & Membership
Fellow of ISAM 2006 by Indian Aerospace Society.
Fellow of IAN 2007 by Indian Academy of Neurology.
Appointed adviser to Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi and Government of India.
Fellow of Indian College Of Physics (FICP) 2008.
Paul Harris Fellow (Rotary International) 2010.
Field of Expertise
Neuro Sciences,
Movement Disorders,
Demyelinating Disease
Awards & Achievements
Health professional of the year (2005 to 2007) by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.
Languages Spoken
Talks & Publications
R.K. Gangoo, A.K. Roy : Torsion Dystonia - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 40, January 1984, 51-52.
A.K. Roy, R.K. Gangoo, K.P Hegde :Acute intermittent porphyria - A report of four cases, M J A F I, Vol. 40, April 1985, 133-137
R.K. Gangoo, A.K. Roy : Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis following vaccination against rabies - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 41, July 1985, 209-210.
R.K. Ganjoo, V.M. Alurkar, A.K. Roy, J. Vasudevan : Chyluria - Report of four cases, M J A F I, Vol. 43, January 1987, 42-43.
R.K. Gangoo, V.M. Alurkar, A.K. Roy, Surjit Singh - Peripartum cardio- myopathy - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 44, January 1988, 67-68.
A.K Roy, Madhuri Behari, G.K. Ahuja: Acute Ployneuritis following Herpes Zoster - A case report - Neurology India, Vol. 35, 169-171.
A.K. Roy, R.M. Dhamija, P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman: Value of computed tomography in prognostication of ischaemic stroke, JAPI Vol. 36, No. 9, 1988, 537-538.
A.K. Roy, Venkataraman, R.M. Dhamija: Neurological complications of thermal stress - Progress in Clinical Neurosciences, 1989, 339-351.
A.K. Roy, R.M. Dhamija, Ved Prakash P.C, Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman: The dilemma of Abnormal CT scan in Epilepsy - An Experience of 56 cases in Armed Forces, Indian Aerospace Med. Vol. 34(i), June1990, 26-30.
R.M. Dhamija, A.K. Roy, P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman, A.K Bhargava: Clinical Spectrum of Myasthenia Gravis and problems in management, JAPI, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, 187.
P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venktraman , R.M. Dhamija, A.K. Roy : Epilepsy as a manifestation of Neurocysticercosis : JAPI, 39, No. 4, 1991, 325-327.
K.C. Koley, A.K. Roy, (Mrs) G. Singh : Neuromyotonia - J Indian Med Association Vol. 90, No. 5, May 1992 : 131-132.
A.K. Roy: Status Epilepticus - Management, Medicine Update 1993:138-143.
A.K. Roy: Recent concepts in management of cerebrovascular accidents : Medicine Update 1993
A.K. Roy, Balwinder Singh, M.M. Singh, S.S. Saini, R.K. Suri: Circulating Prolactin and Cortisol levels in diagnosis of Pseudo Seizures, Indian J. Aerospace Med, Vol. 37, No. 2, December 1993:6-8.
Dilemma of Seizures / Pseudoseizures Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 41 (1) 1997: 56-58.
Episodic Neurological Dysfunction and flying, Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine A.K. Roy, Vol. 41 (1) 1997:58-73.
Heat stroke is a reality be prepared. A.K. Roy, A. Krishnamurthy, Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine Vol. 41 No. 1:74-78.
Reflex Epilepsy, A.K. Roy and Suma Nagesh, Progress in Clinical Neurosciences 1997: 77-87.
Trial of Riluzole in Amyotrophic Lateral Scerosis : A case report A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C, Swapna Alexander.Neurosciences Today, Vol. 11 No. 4 Oct - Dec. 1998 : 177
Acquired Neuromyotonia: A report of six cases - A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C. Venkataraman S.Neurosciences Today, Vol. 11 No. 4 Oct - Dec. 1998: 177.
Epilepsy: Experience in a tertiary care centre A.K. Roy, Tripathi Manjari, Sanjiv C.C.Neurology India, December 1998
An usual presentation of Mitochondrial Cytopathy - A.K. Roy - Neurosciences Today, April - June 1999, Vol. III No. 2 :119.
A.K. Roy, Sharat Damodar, Leslie Pinheiro: Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Neurology India 1999 December 45-47.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy: Continuous muscle fibre activity, Neurology India 1999 December, 47:91.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy, Under diagnosed risk factors for stroke - Neurosciences Today.
Sharat Damodar, A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro, S. Shankar. Vasculitis - An unusual presentation. J. Assoc. Phys. India 2000: 48(1): 104.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy. Trigeminal Neuropathy in Sjogren's syndrome - Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy: Continuous muscle fibre activity, Neurology India 1999 December, 47:91.
A.K.Roy &Suma Nagesh:Reflex Epilepsy progress in clinical Neurosceiences.1997:77-87
A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro. Photosensitive Epilepsy - Review article in Reviews in Neurology - for the Neurology CME in September 2000 at Madurai.
Manjari Tripathi, Sanjeev CC, A.K. Roy. Thalmic haematoma manifesting as chorea - a case report. Neurosciences Today 1999 3: 216-217.
Reflex Epilepsy progress in Clinical Neurosciences. 1997:77-87, Dr. A.K. Roy & Dr. Suma Nagesh.
Intermittent photic stimulation. Photosensitivity with emphasis on Aeromedical aspects. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. T. Manjari, C.C.S. Sanjeev, Dr. P. Reji. Epilepsia volume 40 supplement 2 1999 page 278.
A.K. Roy, An unusual presentation of mitochondrial cytopathy. Neurosciences today. 1992; 2:119.
Trial of Riluzole in Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis: A care report Neurosciences Today, Vol. II No. 4, Oct-Dec. 1998, Pg 177. Dr. A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C., Venkataraman.
Acquired Neuromyotonia- A report of six cases - Neurosciences today, Vol. II No. 4 Oct-Dec. 1998, Pg. 167, Dr. A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C., Venkataraman.
Epilepsy Experience in a Tertiary Care Centre - Neurology India, Dec. 1998, Dr. A.K. Roy, Tripathi Manjari, Sanjiv C.C.
Dilemma of Seizures/Pseudoseizures Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 41 (1) 1997. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. A. Krishnamurthy.
Episodic Neurologic Dysfunction and Flying. Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine. Vol. 41(1) 1997 Pg 58. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. A.Krishnamurthy.
Clinical Trial of Ginko Biloba in cerebral ischaemia Journal of Association of Physician of India Vol. 44, 947 December 1996.
A Mahadevan, V. Santosh, N. Gayathri, E. Ratnavalli. R. Nanda Gopal, A Vasanth, A.K. Roy and S.K. Shankar "Infantile Neuroaxonal dystrophy and Giant Axonal neuropathy-overlap disease of neural cytoskeletal elements in childhood. Clinical Neuropathology Vol. 19 No. 5/2000:221-229
22-24 September 2000: A study of epilepsy - related psychosis A.K. Roy, Ajit Kumar, G.R.K. Sarma, Leslie Pinheiro. At 8th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Neurology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro. Photosensitivity Epilepsy. In Reviews in Neurology 2000. CME Programme of Indian Academy of Neurology: 157-166.
A.K. Roy, “Prevalence of Photosensitivity – An Indian experience”, Neurology
India, June 2003, Vol.51, (2):pp.241 – 243.
Dr. A.K. Roy, “Relevance of Computerized Electroencephalographic Topography (Brain Mapping) in ischaemic Strokes” – Neurology India, June 2003, Vol. 51, (2): pp 235 -236.
Dr. A.K. Roy, S.V. Rajesh, I. Neerakal, J.M. Jose, G.R.K. Sarma, “A study of Epilepsy – related Psychosis. Neurology India, September 2003. Vol.51, Issue 3, PP 359-360.
Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy Plus – Report of Family, JM Joe, A.K. Roy, G.R.K. Sarma, V.Kamath, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. JAPI, Year : April 2005, Volume:53, Page : 388 – 399
Routine Oral Nutritional Supplementation for Stroke Patients in Hospital (FOOD): a Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trail, JM Jose, A.K. Roy , G.R.K. Sarma, V. Kamath, U. Devaraj, T. Manjari, L. Pinheiro, Anandan, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. Lancet Volume 365, February 26, 2005, Pages – 755 – 763.
Effect of Timing and Method of Enteral Tube Feeding for Dysphagic stroke Patients (FOOD): A Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trail, JM Joe, A.K. Roy, G.R.K. Sarma, V.Kamath, U.Devraj, T.Manjari, L.Pinheiro, Ananadan St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. Lancet Volume 365, February 26, 2005, Pages – 764-772.
Culture & Holistic Healthcare Unites as Manipal Hospitals Celebrate the 1st Saarbojanin Sharodiya Durgotsab | Dr. Ajit Kumar Roy | Dr. Somnath Mitra. Click Here.
Field of Expertise
Neuro Sciences,
Movement Disorders,
Demyelinating Disease
Awards & Achievements
Health professional of the year (2005 to 2007) by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.
Fellowship & Membership
Fellow of ISAM 2006 by Indian Aerospace Society.
Fellow of IAN 2007 by Indian Academy of Neurology.
Appointed adviser to Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi and Government of India.
Fellow of Indian College Of Physics (FICP) 2008.
Paul Harris Fellow (Rotary International) 2010.
Languages Spoken
Talks & Publications
R.K. Gangoo, A.K. Roy : Torsion Dystonia - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 40, January 1984, 51-52.
A.K. Roy, R.K. Gangoo, K.P Hegde :Acute intermittent porphyria - A report of four cases, M J A F I, Vol. 40, April 1985, 133-137
R.K. Gangoo, A.K. Roy : Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis following vaccination against rabies - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 41, July 1985, 209-210.
R.K. Ganjoo, V.M. Alurkar, A.K. Roy, J. Vasudevan : Chyluria - Report of four cases, M J A F I, Vol. 43, January 1987, 42-43.
R.K. Gangoo, V.M. Alurkar, A.K. Roy, Surjit Singh - Peripartum cardio- myopathy - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 44, January 1988, 67-68.
A.K Roy, Madhuri Behari, G.K. Ahuja: Acute Ployneuritis following Herpes Zoster - A case report - Neurology India, Vol. 35, 169-171.
A.K. Roy, R.M. Dhamija, P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman: Value of computed tomography in prognostication of ischaemic stroke, JAPI Vol. 36, No. 9, 1988, 537-538.
A.K. Roy, Venkataraman, R.M. Dhamija: Neurological complications of thermal stress - Progress in Clinical Neurosciences, 1989, 339-351.
A.K. Roy, R.M. Dhamija, Ved Prakash P.C, Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman: The dilemma of Abnormal CT scan in Epilepsy - An Experience of 56 cases in Armed Forces, Indian Aerospace Med. Vol. 34(i), June1990, 26-30.
R.M. Dhamija, A.K. Roy, P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman, A.K Bhargava: Clinical Spectrum of Myasthenia Gravis and problems in management, JAPI, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, 187.
P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venktraman , R.M. Dhamija, A.K. Roy : Epilepsy as a manifestation of Neurocysticercosis : JAPI, 39, No. 4, 1991, 325-327.
K.C. Koley, A.K. Roy, (Mrs) G. Singh : Neuromyotonia - J Indian Med Association Vol. 90, No. 5, May 1992 : 131-132.
A.K. Roy: Status Epilepticus - Management, Medicine Update 1993:138-143.
A.K. Roy: Recent concepts in management of cerebrovascular accidents : Medicine Update 1993
A.K. Roy, Balwinder Singh, M.M. Singh, S.S. Saini, R.K. Suri: Circulating Prolactin and Cortisol levels in diagnosis of Pseudo Seizures, Indian J. Aerospace Med, Vol. 37, No. 2, December 1993:6-8.
Dilemma of Seizures / Pseudoseizures Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 41 (1) 1997: 56-58.
Episodic Neurological Dysfunction and flying, Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine A.K. Roy, Vol. 41 (1) 1997:58-73.
Heat stroke is a reality be prepared. A.K. Roy, A. Krishnamurthy, Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine Vol. 41 No. 1:74-78.
Reflex Epilepsy, A.K. Roy and Suma Nagesh, Progress in Clinical Neurosciences 1997: 77-87.
Trial of Riluzole in Amyotrophic Lateral Scerosis : A case report A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C, Swapna Alexander.Neurosciences Today, Vol. 11 No. 4 Oct - Dec. 1998 : 177
Acquired Neuromyotonia: A report of six cases - A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C. Venkataraman S.Neurosciences Today, Vol. 11 No. 4 Oct - Dec. 1998: 177.
Epilepsy: Experience in a tertiary care centre A.K. Roy, Tripathi Manjari, Sanjiv C.C.Neurology India, December 1998
An usual presentation of Mitochondrial Cytopathy - A.K. Roy - Neurosciences Today, April - June 1999, Vol. III No. 2 :119.
A.K. Roy, Sharat Damodar, Leslie Pinheiro: Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Neurology India 1999 December 45-47.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy: Continuous muscle fibre activity, Neurology India 1999 December, 47:91.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy, Under diagnosed risk factors for stroke - Neurosciences Today.
Sharat Damodar, A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro, S. Shankar. Vasculitis - An unusual presentation. J. Assoc. Phys. India 2000: 48(1): 104.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy. Trigeminal Neuropathy in Sjogren's syndrome - Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy: Continuous muscle fibre activity, Neurology India 1999 December, 47:91.
A.K.Roy &Suma Nagesh:Reflex Epilepsy progress in clinical Neurosceiences.1997:77-87
A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro. Photosensitive Epilepsy - Review article in Reviews in Neurology - for the Neurology CME in September 2000 at Madurai.
Manjari Tripathi, Sanjeev CC, A.K. Roy. Thalmic haematoma manifesting as chorea - a case report. Neurosciences Today 1999 3: 216-217.
Reflex Epilepsy progress in Clinical Neurosciences. 1997:77-87, Dr. A.K. Roy & Dr. Suma Nagesh.
Intermittent photic stimulation. Photosensitivity with emphasis on Aeromedical aspects. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. T. Manjari, C.C.S. Sanjeev, Dr. P. Reji. Epilepsia volume 40 supplement 2 1999 page 278.
A.K. Roy, An unusual presentation of mitochondrial cytopathy. Neurosciences today. 1992; 2:119.
Trial of Riluzole in Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis: A care report Neurosciences Today, Vol. II No. 4, Oct-Dec. 1998, Pg 177. Dr. A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C., Venkataraman.
Acquired Neuromyotonia- A report of six cases - Neurosciences today, Vol. II No. 4 Oct-Dec. 1998, Pg. 167, Dr. A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C., Venkataraman.
Epilepsy Experience in a Tertiary Care Centre - Neurology India, Dec. 1998, Dr. A.K. Roy, Tripathi Manjari, Sanjiv C.C.
Dilemma of Seizures/Pseudoseizures Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 41 (1) 1997. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. A. Krishnamurthy.
Episodic Neurologic Dysfunction and Flying. Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine. Vol. 41(1) 1997 Pg 58. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. A.Krishnamurthy.
Clinical Trial of Ginko Biloba in cerebral ischaemia Journal of Association of Physician of India Vol. 44, 947 December 1996.
A Mahadevan, V. Santosh, N. Gayathri, E. Ratnavalli. R. Nanda Gopal, A Vasanth, A.K. Roy and S.K. Shankar "Infantile Neuroaxonal dystrophy and Giant Axonal neuropathy-overlap disease of neural cytoskeletal elements in childhood. Clinical Neuropathology Vol. 19 No. 5/2000:221-229
22-24 September 2000: A study of epilepsy - related psychosis A.K. Roy, Ajit Kumar, G.R.K. Sarma, Leslie Pinheiro. At 8th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Neurology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro. Photosensitivity Epilepsy. In Reviews in Neurology 2000. CME Programme of Indian Academy of Neurology: 157-166.
A.K. Roy, “Prevalence of Photosensitivity – An Indian experience”, Neurology
India, June 2003, Vol.51, (2):pp.241 – 243.
Dr. A.K. Roy, “Relevance of Computerized Electroencephalographic Topography (Brain Mapping) in ischaemic Strokes” – Neurology India, June 2003, Vol. 51, (2): pp 235 -236.
Dr. A.K. Roy, S.V. Rajesh, I. Neerakal, J.M. Jose, G.R.K. Sarma, “A study of Epilepsy – related Psychosis. Neurology India, September 2003. Vol.51, Issue 3, PP 359-360.
Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy Plus – Report of Family, JM Joe, A.K. Roy, G.R.K. Sarma, V.Kamath, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. JAPI, Year : April 2005, Volume:53, Page : 388 – 399
Routine Oral Nutritional Supplementation for Stroke Patients in Hospital (FOOD): a Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trail, JM Jose, A.K. Roy , G.R.K. Sarma, V. Kamath, U. Devaraj, T. Manjari, L. Pinheiro, Anandan, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. Lancet Volume 365, February 26, 2005, Pages – 755 – 763.
Effect of Timing and Method of Enteral Tube Feeding for Dysphagic stroke Patients (FOOD): A Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trail, JM Joe, A.K. Roy, G.R.K. Sarma, V.Kamath, U.Devraj, T.Manjari, L.Pinheiro, Ananadan St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. Lancet Volume 365, February 26, 2005, Pages – 764-772.
Culture & Holistic Healthcare Unites as Manipal Hospitals Celebrate the 1st Saarbojanin Sharodiya Durgotsab | Dr. Ajit Kumar Roy | Dr. Somnath Mitra. Click Here.
Languages Spoken
Fellowship & Membership
Fellow of ISAM 2006 by Indian Aerospace Society.
Fellow of IAN 2007 by Indian Academy of Neurology.
Appointed adviser to Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi and Government of India.
Fellow of Indian College Of Physics (FICP) 2008.
Paul Harris Fellow (Rotary International) 2010.
Field of Expertise
Neuro Sciences,
Movement Disorders,
Demyelinating Disease
Awards & Achievements
Health professional of the year (2005 to 2007) by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.
Talks & Publications
R.K. Gangoo, A.K. Roy : Torsion Dystonia - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 40, January 1984, 51-52.
A.K. Roy, R.K. Gangoo, K.P Hegde :Acute intermittent porphyria - A report of four cases, M J A F I, Vol. 40, April 1985, 133-137
R.K. Gangoo, A.K. Roy : Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis following vaccination against rabies - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 41, July 1985, 209-210.
R.K. Ganjoo, V.M. Alurkar, A.K. Roy, J. Vasudevan : Chyluria - Report of four cases, M J A F I, Vol. 43, January 1987, 42-43.
R.K. Gangoo, V.M. Alurkar, A.K. Roy, Surjit Singh - Peripartum cardio- myopathy - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 44, January 1988, 67-68.
A.K Roy, Madhuri Behari, G.K. Ahuja: Acute Ployneuritis following Herpes Zoster - A case report - Neurology India, Vol. 35, 169-171.
A.K. Roy, R.M. Dhamija, P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman: Value of computed tomography in prognostication of ischaemic stroke, JAPI Vol. 36, No. 9, 1988, 537-538.
A.K. Roy, Venkataraman, R.M. Dhamija: Neurological complications of thermal stress - Progress in Clinical Neurosciences, 1989, 339-351.
A.K. Roy, R.M. Dhamija, Ved Prakash P.C, Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman: The dilemma of Abnormal CT scan in Epilepsy - An Experience of 56 cases in Armed Forces, Indian Aerospace Med. Vol. 34(i), June1990, 26-30.
R.M. Dhamija, A.K. Roy, P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman, A.K Bhargava: Clinical Spectrum of Myasthenia Gravis and problems in management, JAPI, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, 187.
P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venktraman , R.M. Dhamija, A.K. Roy : Epilepsy as a manifestation of Neurocysticercosis : JAPI, 39, No. 4, 1991, 325-327.
K.C. Koley, A.K. Roy, (Mrs) G. Singh : Neuromyotonia - J Indian Med Association Vol. 90, No. 5, May 1992 : 131-132.
A.K. Roy: Status Epilepticus - Management, Medicine Update 1993:138-143.
A.K. Roy: Recent concepts in management of cerebrovascular accidents : Medicine Update 1993
A.K. Roy, Balwinder Singh, M.M. Singh, S.S. Saini, R.K. Suri: Circulating Prolactin and Cortisol levels in diagnosis of Pseudo Seizures, Indian J. Aerospace Med, Vol. 37, No. 2, December 1993:6-8.
Dilemma of Seizures / Pseudoseizures Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 41 (1) 1997: 56-58.
Episodic Neurological Dysfunction and flying, Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine A.K. Roy, Vol. 41 (1) 1997:58-73.
Heat stroke is a reality be prepared. A.K. Roy, A. Krishnamurthy, Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine Vol. 41 No. 1:74-78.
Reflex Epilepsy, A.K. Roy and Suma Nagesh, Progress in Clinical Neurosciences 1997: 77-87.
Trial of Riluzole in Amyotrophic Lateral Scerosis : A case report A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C, Swapna Alexander.Neurosciences Today, Vol. 11 No. 4 Oct - Dec. 1998 : 177
Acquired Neuromyotonia: A report of six cases - A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C. Venkataraman S.Neurosciences Today, Vol. 11 No. 4 Oct - Dec. 1998: 177.
Epilepsy: Experience in a tertiary care centre A.K. Roy, Tripathi Manjari, Sanjiv C.C.Neurology India, December 1998
An usual presentation of Mitochondrial Cytopathy - A.K. Roy - Neurosciences Today, April - June 1999, Vol. III No. 2 :119.
A.K. Roy, Sharat Damodar, Leslie Pinheiro: Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Neurology India 1999 December 45-47.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy: Continuous muscle fibre activity, Neurology India 1999 December, 47:91.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy, Under diagnosed risk factors for stroke - Neurosciences Today.
Sharat Damodar, A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro, S. Shankar. Vasculitis - An unusual presentation. J. Assoc. Phys. India 2000: 48(1): 104.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy. Trigeminal Neuropathy in Sjogren's syndrome - Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy: Continuous muscle fibre activity, Neurology India 1999 December, 47:91.
A.K.Roy &Suma Nagesh:Reflex Epilepsy progress in clinical Neurosceiences.1997:77-87
A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro. Photosensitive Epilepsy - Review article in Reviews in Neurology - for the Neurology CME in September 2000 at Madurai.
Manjari Tripathi, Sanjeev CC, A.K. Roy. Thalmic haematoma manifesting as chorea - a case report. Neurosciences Today 1999 3: 216-217.
Reflex Epilepsy progress in Clinical Neurosciences. 1997:77-87, Dr. A.K. Roy & Dr. Suma Nagesh.
Intermittent photic stimulation. Photosensitivity with emphasis on Aeromedical aspects. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. T. Manjari, C.C.S. Sanjeev, Dr. P. Reji. Epilepsia volume 40 supplement 2 1999 page 278.
A.K. Roy, An unusual presentation of mitochondrial cytopathy. Neurosciences today. 1992; 2:119.
Trial of Riluzole in Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis: A care report Neurosciences Today, Vol. II No. 4, Oct-Dec. 1998, Pg 177. Dr. A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C., Venkataraman.
Acquired Neuromyotonia- A report of six cases - Neurosciences today, Vol. II No. 4 Oct-Dec. 1998, Pg. 167, Dr. A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C., Venkataraman.
Epilepsy Experience in a Tertiary Care Centre - Neurology India, Dec. 1998, Dr. A.K. Roy, Tripathi Manjari, Sanjiv C.C.
Dilemma of Seizures/Pseudoseizures Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 41 (1) 1997. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. A. Krishnamurthy.
Episodic Neurologic Dysfunction and Flying. Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine. Vol. 41(1) 1997 Pg 58. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. A.Krishnamurthy.
Clinical Trial of Ginko Biloba in cerebral ischaemia Journal of Association of Physician of India Vol. 44, 947 December 1996.
A Mahadevan, V. Santosh, N. Gayathri, E. Ratnavalli. R. Nanda Gopal, A Vasanth, A.K. Roy and S.K. Shankar "Infantile Neuroaxonal dystrophy and Giant Axonal neuropathy-overlap disease of neural cytoskeletal elements in childhood. Clinical Neuropathology Vol. 19 No. 5/2000:221-229
22-24 September 2000: A study of epilepsy - related psychosis A.K. Roy, Ajit Kumar, G.R.K. Sarma, Leslie Pinheiro. At 8th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Neurology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro. Photosensitivity Epilepsy. In Reviews in Neurology 2000. CME Programme of Indian Academy of Neurology: 157-166.
A.K. Roy, “Prevalence of Photosensitivity – An Indian experience”, Neurology
India, June 2003, Vol.51, (2):pp.241 – 243.
Dr. A.K. Roy, “Relevance of Computerized Electroencephalographic Topography (Brain Mapping) in ischaemic Strokes” – Neurology India, June 2003, Vol. 51, (2): pp 235 -236.
Dr. A.K. Roy, S.V. Rajesh, I. Neerakal, J.M. Jose, G.R.K. Sarma, “A study of Epilepsy – related Psychosis. Neurology India, September 2003. Vol.51, Issue 3, PP 359-360.
Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy Plus – Report of Family, JM Joe, A.K. Roy, G.R.K. Sarma, V.Kamath, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. JAPI, Year : April 2005, Volume:53, Page : 388 – 399
Routine Oral Nutritional Supplementation for Stroke Patients in Hospital (FOOD): a Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trail, JM Jose, A.K. Roy , G.R.K. Sarma, V. Kamath, U. Devaraj, T. Manjari, L. Pinheiro, Anandan, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. Lancet Volume 365, February 26, 2005, Pages – 755 – 763.
Effect of Timing and Method of Enteral Tube Feeding for Dysphagic stroke Patients (FOOD): A Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trail, JM Joe, A.K. Roy, G.R.K. Sarma, V.Kamath, U.Devraj, T.Manjari, L.Pinheiro, Ananadan St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. Lancet Volume 365, February 26, 2005, Pages – 764-772.
Culture & Holistic Healthcare Unites as Manipal Hospitals Celebrate the 1st Saarbojanin Sharodiya Durgotsab | Dr. Ajit Kumar Roy | Dr. Somnath Mitra. Click Here.
Talks & Publications
R.K. Gangoo, A.K. Roy : Torsion Dystonia - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 40, January 1984, 51-52.
A.K. Roy, R.K. Gangoo, K.P Hegde :Acute intermittent porphyria - A report of four cases, M J A F I, Vol. 40, April 1985, 133-137
R.K. Gangoo, A.K. Roy : Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis following vaccination against rabies - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 41, July 1985, 209-210.
R.K. Ganjoo, V.M. Alurkar, A.K. Roy, J. Vasudevan : Chyluria - Report of four cases, M J A F I, Vol. 43, January 1987, 42-43.
R.K. Gangoo, V.M. Alurkar, A.K. Roy, Surjit Singh - Peripartum cardio- myopathy - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 44, January 1988, 67-68.
A.K Roy, Madhuri Behari, G.K. Ahuja: Acute Ployneuritis following Herpes Zoster - A case report - Neurology India, Vol. 35, 169-171.
A.K. Roy, R.M. Dhamija, P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman: Value of computed tomography in prognostication of ischaemic stroke, JAPI Vol. 36, No. 9, 1988, 537-538.
A.K. Roy, Venkataraman, R.M. Dhamija: Neurological complications of thermal stress - Progress in Clinical Neurosciences, 1989, 339-351.
A.K. Roy, R.M. Dhamija, Ved Prakash P.C, Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman: The dilemma of Abnormal CT scan in Epilepsy - An Experience of 56 cases in Armed Forces, Indian Aerospace Med. Vol. 34(i), June1990, 26-30.
R.M. Dhamija, A.K. Roy, P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman, A.K Bhargava: Clinical Spectrum of Myasthenia Gravis and problems in management, JAPI, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, 187.
P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venktraman , R.M. Dhamija, A.K. Roy : Epilepsy as a manifestation of Neurocysticercosis : JAPI, 39, No. 4, 1991, 325-327.
K.C. Koley, A.K. Roy, (Mrs) G. Singh : Neuromyotonia - J Indian Med Association Vol. 90, No. 5, May 1992 : 131-132.
A.K. Roy: Status Epilepticus - Management, Medicine Update 1993:138-143.
A.K. Roy: Recent concepts in management of cerebrovascular accidents : Medicine Update 1993
A.K. Roy, Balwinder Singh, M.M. Singh, S.S. Saini, R.K. Suri: Circulating Prolactin and Cortisol levels in diagnosis of Pseudo Seizures, Indian J. Aerospace Med, Vol. 37, No. 2, December 1993:6-8.
Dilemma of Seizures / Pseudoseizures Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 41 (1) 1997: 56-58.
Episodic Neurological Dysfunction and flying, Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine A.K. Roy, Vol. 41 (1) 1997:58-73.
Heat stroke is a reality be prepared. A.K. Roy, A. Krishnamurthy, Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine Vol. 41 No. 1:74-78.
Reflex Epilepsy, A.K. Roy and Suma Nagesh, Progress in Clinical Neurosciences 1997: 77-87.
Trial of Riluzole in Amyotrophic Lateral Scerosis : A case report A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C, Swapna Alexander.Neurosciences Today, Vol. 11 No. 4 Oct - Dec. 1998 : 177
Acquired Neuromyotonia: A report of six cases - A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C. Venkataraman S.Neurosciences Today, Vol. 11 No. 4 Oct - Dec. 1998: 177.
Epilepsy: Experience in a tertiary care centre A.K. Roy, Tripathi Manjari, Sanjiv C.C.Neurology India, December 1998
An usual presentation of Mitochondrial Cytopathy - A.K. Roy - Neurosciences Today, April - June 1999, Vol. III No. 2 :119.
A.K. Roy, Sharat Damodar, Leslie Pinheiro: Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Neurology India 1999 December 45-47.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy: Continuous muscle fibre activity, Neurology India 1999 December, 47:91.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy, Under diagnosed risk factors for stroke - Neurosciences Today.
Sharat Damodar, A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro, S. Shankar. Vasculitis - An unusual presentation. J. Assoc. Phys. India 2000: 48(1): 104.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy. Trigeminal Neuropathy in Sjogren's syndrome - Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy: Continuous muscle fibre activity, Neurology India 1999 December, 47:91.
A.K.Roy &Suma Nagesh:Reflex Epilepsy progress in clinical Neurosceiences.1997:77-87
A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro. Photosensitive Epilepsy - Review article in Reviews in Neurology - for the Neurology CME in September 2000 at Madurai.
Manjari Tripathi, Sanjeev CC, A.K. Roy. Thalmic haematoma manifesting as chorea - a case report. Neurosciences Today 1999 3: 216-217.
Reflex Epilepsy progress in Clinical Neurosciences. 1997:77-87, Dr. A.K. Roy & Dr. Suma Nagesh.
Intermittent photic stimulation. Photosensitivity with emphasis on Aeromedical aspects. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. T. Manjari, C.C.S. Sanjeev, Dr. P. Reji. Epilepsia volume 40 supplement 2 1999 page 278.
A.K. Roy, An unusual presentation of mitochondrial cytopathy. Neurosciences today. 1992; 2:119.
Trial of Riluzole in Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis: A care report Neurosciences Today, Vol. II No. 4, Oct-Dec. 1998, Pg 177. Dr. A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C., Venkataraman.
Acquired Neuromyotonia- A report of six cases - Neurosciences today, Vol. II No. 4 Oct-Dec. 1998, Pg. 167, Dr. A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C., Venkataraman.
Epilepsy Experience in a Tertiary Care Centre - Neurology India, Dec. 1998, Dr. A.K. Roy, Tripathi Manjari, Sanjiv C.C.
Dilemma of Seizures/Pseudoseizures Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 41 (1) 1997. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. A. Krishnamurthy.
Episodic Neurologic Dysfunction and Flying. Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine. Vol. 41(1) 1997 Pg 58. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. A.Krishnamurthy.
Clinical Trial of Ginko Biloba in cerebral ischaemia Journal of Association of Physician of India Vol. 44, 947 December 1996.
A Mahadevan, V. Santosh, N. Gayathri, E. Ratnavalli. R. Nanda Gopal, A Vasanth, A.K. Roy and S.K. Shankar "Infantile Neuroaxonal dystrophy and Giant Axonal neuropathy-overlap disease of neural cytoskeletal elements in childhood. Clinical Neuropathology Vol. 19 No. 5/2000:221-229
22-24 September 2000: A study of epilepsy - related psychosis A.K. Roy, Ajit Kumar, G.R.K. Sarma, Leslie Pinheiro. At 8th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Neurology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro. Photosensitivity Epilepsy. In Reviews in Neurology 2000. CME Programme of Indian Academy of Neurology: 157-166.
A.K. Roy, “Prevalence of Photosensitivity – An Indian experience”, Neurology
India, June 2003, Vol.51, (2):pp.241 – 243.
Dr. A.K. Roy, “Relevance of Computerized Electroencephalographic Topography (Brain Mapping) in ischaemic Strokes” – Neurology India, June 2003, Vol. 51, (2): pp 235 -236.
Dr. A.K. Roy, S.V. Rajesh, I. Neerakal, J.M. Jose, G.R.K. Sarma, “A study of Epilepsy – related Psychosis. Neurology India, September 2003. Vol.51, Issue 3, PP 359-360.
Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy Plus – Report of Family, JM Joe, A.K. Roy, G.R.K. Sarma, V.Kamath, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. JAPI, Year : April 2005, Volume:53, Page : 388 – 399
Routine Oral Nutritional Supplementation for Stroke Patients in Hospital (FOOD): a Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trail, JM Jose, A.K. Roy , G.R.K. Sarma, V. Kamath, U. Devaraj, T. Manjari, L. Pinheiro, Anandan, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. Lancet Volume 365, February 26, 2005, Pages – 755 – 763.
Effect of Timing and Method of Enteral Tube Feeding for Dysphagic stroke Patients (FOOD): A Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trail, JM Joe, A.K. Roy, G.R.K. Sarma, V.Kamath, U.Devraj, T.Manjari, L.Pinheiro, Ananadan St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. Lancet Volume 365, February 26, 2005, Pages – 764-772.
Culture & Holistic Healthcare Unites as Manipal Hospitals Celebrate the 1st Saarbojanin Sharodiya Durgotsab | Dr. Ajit Kumar Roy | Dr. Somnath Mitra. Click Here.
Fellowship & Membership
Fellow of ISAM 2006 by Indian Aerospace Society.
Fellow of IAN 2007 by Indian Academy of Neurology.
Appointed adviser to Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi and Government of India.
Fellow of Indian College Of Physics (FICP) 2008.
Paul Harris Fellow (Rotary International) 2010.
Field of Expertise
Neuro Sciences,
Movement Disorders,
Demyelinating Disease
Awards & Achievements
Health professional of the year (2005 to 2007) by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.
Languages Spoken
Talks & Publications
R.K. Gangoo, A.K. Roy : Torsion Dystonia - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 40, January 1984, 51-52.
A.K. Roy, R.K. Gangoo, K.P Hegde :Acute intermittent porphyria - A report of four cases, M J A F I, Vol. 40, April 1985, 133-137
R.K. Gangoo, A.K. Roy : Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis following vaccination against rabies - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 41, July 1985, 209-210.
R.K. Ganjoo, V.M. Alurkar, A.K. Roy, J. Vasudevan : Chyluria - Report of four cases, M J A F I, Vol. 43, January 1987, 42-43.
R.K. Gangoo, V.M. Alurkar, A.K. Roy, Surjit Singh - Peripartum cardio- myopathy - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 44, January 1988, 67-68.
A.K Roy, Madhuri Behari, G.K. Ahuja: Acute Ployneuritis following Herpes Zoster - A case report - Neurology India, Vol. 35, 169-171.
A.K. Roy, R.M. Dhamija, P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman: Value of computed tomography in prognostication of ischaemic stroke, JAPI Vol. 36, No. 9, 1988, 537-538.
A.K. Roy, Venkataraman, R.M. Dhamija: Neurological complications of thermal stress - Progress in Clinical Neurosciences, 1989, 339-351.
A.K. Roy, R.M. Dhamija, Ved Prakash P.C, Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman: The dilemma of Abnormal CT scan in Epilepsy - An Experience of 56 cases in Armed Forces, Indian Aerospace Med. Vol. 34(i), June1990, 26-30.
R.M. Dhamija, A.K. Roy, P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venkataraman, A.K Bhargava: Clinical Spectrum of Myasthenia Gravis and problems in management, JAPI, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1991, 187.
P.C. Sanchetee, S. Venktraman , R.M. Dhamija, A.K. Roy : Epilepsy as a manifestation of Neurocysticercosis : JAPI, 39, No. 4, 1991, 325-327.
K.C. Koley, A.K. Roy, (Mrs) G. Singh : Neuromyotonia - J Indian Med Association Vol. 90, No. 5, May 1992 : 131-132.
A.K. Roy: Status Epilepticus - Management, Medicine Update 1993:138-143.
A.K. Roy: Recent concepts in management of cerebrovascular accidents : Medicine Update 1993
A.K. Roy, Balwinder Singh, M.M. Singh, S.S. Saini, R.K. Suri: Circulating Prolactin and Cortisol levels in diagnosis of Pseudo Seizures, Indian J. Aerospace Med, Vol. 37, No. 2, December 1993:6-8.
Dilemma of Seizures / Pseudoseizures Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 41 (1) 1997: 56-58.
Episodic Neurological Dysfunction and flying, Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine A.K. Roy, Vol. 41 (1) 1997:58-73.
Heat stroke is a reality be prepared. A.K. Roy, A. Krishnamurthy, Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine Vol. 41 No. 1:74-78.
Reflex Epilepsy, A.K. Roy and Suma Nagesh, Progress in Clinical Neurosciences 1997: 77-87.
Trial of Riluzole in Amyotrophic Lateral Scerosis : A case report A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C, Swapna Alexander.Neurosciences Today, Vol. 11 No. 4 Oct - Dec. 1998 : 177
Acquired Neuromyotonia: A report of six cases - A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C. Venkataraman S.Neurosciences Today, Vol. 11 No. 4 Oct - Dec. 1998: 177.
Epilepsy: Experience in a tertiary care centre A.K. Roy, Tripathi Manjari, Sanjiv C.C.Neurology India, December 1998
An usual presentation of Mitochondrial Cytopathy - A.K. Roy - Neurosciences Today, April - June 1999, Vol. III No. 2 :119.
A.K. Roy, Sharat Damodar, Leslie Pinheiro: Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Neurology India 1999 December 45-47.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy: Continuous muscle fibre activity, Neurology India 1999 December, 47:91.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy, Under diagnosed risk factors for stroke - Neurosciences Today.
Sharat Damodar, A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro, S. Shankar. Vasculitis - An unusual presentation. J. Assoc. Phys. India 2000: 48(1): 104.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy. Trigeminal Neuropathy in Sjogren's syndrome - Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology.
Leslie Pinheiro, A.K. Roy: Continuous muscle fibre activity, Neurology India 1999 December, 47:91.
A.K.Roy &Suma Nagesh:Reflex Epilepsy progress in clinical Neurosceiences.1997:77-87
A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro. Photosensitive Epilepsy - Review article in Reviews in Neurology - for the Neurology CME in September 2000 at Madurai.
Manjari Tripathi, Sanjeev CC, A.K. Roy. Thalmic haematoma manifesting as chorea - a case report. Neurosciences Today 1999 3: 216-217.
Reflex Epilepsy progress in Clinical Neurosciences. 1997:77-87, Dr. A.K. Roy & Dr. Suma Nagesh.
Intermittent photic stimulation. Photosensitivity with emphasis on Aeromedical aspects. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. T. Manjari, C.C.S. Sanjeev, Dr. P. Reji. Epilepsia volume 40 supplement 2 1999 page 278.
A.K. Roy, An unusual presentation of mitochondrial cytopathy. Neurosciences today. 1992; 2:119.
Trial of Riluzole in Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis: A care report Neurosciences Today, Vol. II No. 4, Oct-Dec. 1998, Pg 177. Dr. A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C., Venkataraman.
Acquired Neuromyotonia- A report of six cases - Neurosciences today, Vol. II No. 4 Oct-Dec. 1998, Pg. 167, Dr. A.K. Roy, Sanjiv C.C., Venkataraman.
Epilepsy Experience in a Tertiary Care Centre - Neurology India, Dec. 1998, Dr. A.K. Roy, Tripathi Manjari, Sanjiv C.C.
Dilemma of Seizures/Pseudoseizures Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine 41 (1) 1997. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. A. Krishnamurthy.
Episodic Neurologic Dysfunction and Flying. Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine. Vol. 41(1) 1997 Pg 58. Dr. A.K. Roy, Dr. A.Krishnamurthy.
Clinical Trial of Ginko Biloba in cerebral ischaemia Journal of Association of Physician of India Vol. 44, 947 December 1996.
A Mahadevan, V. Santosh, N. Gayathri, E. Ratnavalli. R. Nanda Gopal, A Vasanth, A.K. Roy and S.K. Shankar "Infantile Neuroaxonal dystrophy and Giant Axonal neuropathy-overlap disease of neural cytoskeletal elements in childhood. Clinical Neuropathology Vol. 19 No. 5/2000:221-229
22-24 September 2000: A study of epilepsy - related psychosis A.K. Roy, Ajit Kumar, G.R.K. Sarma, Leslie Pinheiro. At 8th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Neurology, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
A.K. Roy, Leslie Pinheiro. Photosensitivity Epilepsy. In Reviews in Neurology 2000. CME Programme of Indian Academy of Neurology: 157-166.
A.K. Roy, “Prevalence of Photosensitivity – An Indian experience”, Neurology
India, June 2003, Vol.51, (2):pp.241 – 243.
Dr. A.K. Roy, “Relevance of Computerized Electroencephalographic Topography (Brain Mapping) in ischaemic Strokes” – Neurology India, June 2003, Vol. 51, (2): pp 235 -236.
Dr. A.K. Roy, S.V. Rajesh, I. Neerakal, J.M. Jose, G.R.K. Sarma, “A study of Epilepsy – related Psychosis. Neurology India, September 2003. Vol.51, Issue 3, PP 359-360.
Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy Plus – Report of Family, JM Joe, A.K. Roy, G.R.K. Sarma, V.Kamath, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. JAPI, Year : April 2005, Volume:53, Page : 388 – 399
Routine Oral Nutritional Supplementation for Stroke Patients in Hospital (FOOD): a Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trail, JM Jose, A.K. Roy , G.R.K. Sarma, V. Kamath, U. Devaraj, T. Manjari, L. Pinheiro, Anandan, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. Lancet Volume 365, February 26, 2005, Pages – 755 – 763.
Effect of Timing and Method of Enteral Tube Feeding for Dysphagic stroke Patients (FOOD): A Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trail, JM Joe, A.K. Roy, G.R.K. Sarma, V.Kamath, U.Devraj, T.Manjari, L.Pinheiro, Ananadan St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. Lancet Volume 365, February 26, 2005, Pages – 764-772.
Culture & Holistic Healthcare Unites as Manipal Hospitals Celebrate the 1st Saarbojanin Sharodiya Durgotsab | Dr. Ajit Kumar Roy | Dr. Somnath Mitra. Click Here.
Fellowship & Membership
Fellow of ISAM 2006 by Indian Aerospace Society.
Fellow of IAN 2007 by Indian Academy of Neurology.
Appointed adviser to Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi and Government of India.
Fellow of Indian College Of Physics (FICP) 2008.
Paul Harris Fellow (Rotary International) 2010.
Field of Expertise
Neuro Sciences,
Movement Disorders,
Demyelinating Disease
Awards & Achievements
Health professional of the year (2005 to 2007) by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.
Languages Spoken
Dr. Ajit Kumar Roy
Consultant Neurology
Old Airport Road - Bengaluru
DM (Neurology)
Fellowship & Membership
Fellow of ISAM 2006 by Indian Aerospace Society.
Fellow of IAN 2007 by Indian Academy of Neurology.
Appointed adviser to Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi and Government of India.
Fellow of Indian College Of Physics (FICP) 2008.
Paul Harris Fellow (Rotary International) 2010.
Field of Expertise
Neuro Sciences,
Movement Disorders,
Demyelinating Disease
Awards & Achievements
Health professional of the year (2005 to 2007) by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.
Languages Spoken
Talks & Publications
R.K. Gangoo, A.K. Roy : Torsion Dystonia - A case report, M J A F I, Vol. 40, January 1984, 51-52.
A.K. Roy, R.K. Gangoo, K.P Hegde :Acute intermittent porphyria - A report of four cases, M J A F I, Vol. 40, April 1985, 133-137
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